Sunday, 18 July 2010

Yr Eisteddfod

Dydd Mercher Awst 4ydd -13:00
Maes D
Dysgu'r Gymraeg yn Lloegr
Bydd Jonathan Simcock o’r Cylch Dysgwyr Cymraeg Derby a finnau, Gareth Thomas, o’r Gymrodoriaeth Cymraeg Basingstoke yn gwneud cyflwyniad a thrafod y problemau, y cyfleoedd a’r dyfodol dysgu Cymraeg yn Lloegr. Y pwrpas bydd i drafod sut i wella’r ddarpariaeth er mwyn rhoi cyfle i’r hanner filiwn (neu fwy) o Gymry di-Gymraeg yn Lloegr gael dysgu eu hiaith eu hunain.

Wednesday, 4th August - 13:00
Maes D
Learning Welsh in England
Jonathan Simcock of the Derby Welsh Circle and myself, Gareth Thomas, of the Basingstoke Welsh Learners will be giving a presentation to discuss the problems, the opportunities and the future of learning Welsh in England. The purpose will be to discuss how to improve the provision so as to give the half million or more non-Welsh speaking Welsh people in England the opportunity to learn their own language.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Confused? Some empathatic thoughts for learners

Diolch i Anwen am anfon y gan hon ataf i a diolch i Les am ei ganiatâd i gyhoeddi ar y Blog.

Once I was sad and confused,
And why? Learning Welsh, in the main;
I was having trouble with treiglads;
Perhaps I ought to explain.

Words mutate; ones that began with an M
Will sometimes have an F at the front.
B can change to F or M;
Sometimes it does and sometimes it dun't.

Ps becomes MH or PH
Or Bs; don't know why, but they do;
Perhaps there's an R in the month
Or it's raining in Rhyl; I don't have a clue.

D turns to N, or two Ds;
Double L somehow shrinks into one;
C is CH, NGH or just G;
G can be NG; sometimes it's just gone.

T turns to TH or NH;
Sometimes a D will be used;
And RH some days is just R;
Futation's a fystery; I'm chompletely gonfused.

I went to a glass; I had phrivate duition; I dried and I thried but it nid me no ood.
I was phondering suicide; I galled the Samaritans And thold them the broblem; they said that I should..

Mut now we are able to phractise
While having a bint and a song ddown the phub And all our futations are froadly chorrect Since Eirian and Bauline established the glub.

We have Indian feals; we have thapas;
Sometimes we're daught how to ddance
Or we o for a walk in the gountry
And phractise futating while we've ot the chance.

We have goach drips and goncerts in Nghardiff Sometimes we o to a phlay And feet the phroducer mefore the phroduction...
And my broblems have all one away.

Les Sackroyd