Monday, 27 September 2010

Mae'r flwyddyn newydd wedi dechrau a dw i'n falch cael dweud bydd chwech ar hugain o aelodau yn y tri dosbarth Cymraeg. Mae digon o resymau i edrych ymlaen gyda disgwyliadau mawr eleni. Sef,

• Llawer o “lyfli”aelodau newydd
• Roedd y marciau yn yr arholiadau 2010 yn uchel a phasiodd pawb.
• Bydd yr Anwen Foy hyfryd yn ymuno a’r tîm tiwtoriaid
• Bydd dau siaradwr Cymraeg eu mam iaith yn dod i roi her i'r dysgwyr yn ystod y tymor.
• Mae’r staff derbynfa wedi cael eu hyfforddi sut i gyfarch pawb yn y Gymraeg

Felly - gawn ni hwyl! Os ydych chi am ymuno nawr yw'r amser! Ffoniwch 01256 417517 a gofyn am Angie new Sharon. Neu os ydych chi am sgwrs dros ddysgu Cymraeg yn Basingstoke ffoniwch fi, Gareth Thomas, ar 01256 389414.

The new academic year has started and I am pleased to be able to report that twenty six people have signed up for the three Welsh classes. There a lots of reasons for looking forward with high expectations this year. Namely,

• Lots of lovely new members
• The marks were high and everybody passed
• The delightful Anwen Foy will be joining the tutorial team.
• There will be two first language Welsh speakers coming to provide a challenge for learners
• The reception team have received special training in greeting learners in Welsh.

So we will have fun! If you would like to join now’s the time! Phone 01256 417517 and ask for Sharon or Angie. Or if you would like to talk about learning Welsh in Basingstoke ring me, Gareth Thomas, on 01256 389414

Monday, 23 August 2010

Canlyniadau Arholiad/Examination Results 2010

Llongyfarchiadau i bawb safodd yr Arholiadau Cymraeg ar gyfer oedolion CBAC yn Basingstoke eleni. Pasiodd bawb!
Mis Mehefin diwethaf safodd naw o ymgeiswyr yr arholiad CBAC Mynediad a phedwar y safon nesaf, sef Sylfaen. Llwyddodd pawb i’w pasio. Roedd marc cyfartaledd y grŵp Mynediad 92.1%. Enillodd Claire Gaddy marc eithriadol o uchel o 97.5%.
Roedd y marc cyfartaledd ar ran y grŵp Sylfaen 83%. Enillodd dau ymgeisydd, Joyce Phillps a Malcolm Chappell, rhagoriaethau.
Ymlaen a ni!

Congratulations to everyone who sat the WJEC Welsh for Adults examinations in Basingstoke this year. Everybody passed!

Last June nine candidates sat the the WJEC Entry Level and four the next level up, Foundation. Everyone passed. The average mark of the Entry group was 92.1%. Clare Gaddy gained an exceptionally high mark of 97.5%.
The average mark of the Foundation group was 83%. Two candidates, Joyce Phillips and Malcolm Chappell won distinctions.
Onwards and upwards!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Daeth Parti o ddeg o Basingstoke i gymryd rhan yn yr Eisteddfod eleni yng Nglyn Ebwy. Arhosodd rhai gyda'u perthnasau, rhai mewn gwestai a gyrrodd rhai o Hampshire i Lyn Ebw a nôl yr un diwrnod.

Blaen llaw roedd Joyce Phillips, y dau Rogers (Michael a Karen) a Bryan Smith wedi cynnig gwaith ysgrifenedig. Pob clod i Joyce am ennill lle yn yr ail ddosbarth gyda'i darn o ryddiaith ar destun "Diwrnod Perffaith". Cafod cerdyn post Michael a'i brofiad anffodus mewn carafán yn Abergele ei son amdano gan beirniad y cystadleuaeth ar gyfer fyfyrwyr mynediad. Felly'r cwynion Karen am yr octopws a sclodion seimlyd cafodd hi yn Benidorm a’r teimladau flinedig Bryan ar ol dringo’r Wyddfa.

Cymeron nhw i gyd rhan mewn Cystadleuaeth 119 "Parti Llefau" ar gyfer dysgwyr. Ymddangoson dan y teitl "Cymrodoriaeth Cymraeg Basingstoke”. Roedd y croeso yn gynnes gyda llawer iawn o bobl yn rhyfeddu bod math brwdfrydedd dros yr Iaith wedi ymddangos o dre mor Seisnig â Basingstoke. Doedd y garfan ddim wedi cael ymarfer dros y pythefnos cyn yr ŵyl ond ar y diwrnod penodol, trefnodd Gill Griffiths o’r Swyddfa’r Eisteddfod cyfle i ni feddiannu un o'r ddwy babell Cymdeithasau. Diolch Gill.
Daeth nifer of bobl draw i'w gefnogi ar ddechrau'r gystadleuaeth. Perthnasau o Gymru, ffrindiau, a hyn yn oed, y canwr enwog ei hun, Bryn Fon. Roedd y perfformiad yn wych gyda phawb ar ben eu camp ond ----enillon nhw ddim. Yn anffodus roedd hi'n gas gyda'r beirniaid ein bod nhw wedi cael eu harwain. Dydy honna ddim rhan o'r traddodiad parti llafaru mynnon nhw. Ond ychwanegon " Cawsom fwynhad o wrando ar eich dehongliad. Grŵp arbennig. Daliwch ati"
Roedd pawb yn uchel eu clod am eu hymgais a llawn rhyfeddod dros frwdfrydedd y grŵp o Basingstoke. Dywedodd Jo Knell, Swyddog Datblygu'r Gymraeg yr Eisteddfod, “Diolch o galon i bawb o griw Basingstoke am ddod i’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac am gefnogi gweithgareddau Maes D. Pob hwyl i chi am y dyfodol a chofiwch i gadw mewn cysylltiad. Edrchyaf ymlaen at eich gweld eto'r flwyddyn nesaf!"


A group of ten from Basingstoke took part in the National Eisteddfod in Ebbw Vale this year. Some stayed with relatives, some in hotels and some drove all the way from Hampshire and back the same day.
Before hand Joyce Phillips and the two Rogers (Karen and Michael) and Bryan Smith had entered written work. All praise to Joyce for winning a place in the second class with her piece of writing “A Perfect Day” Michael’s postcard describing his unfortunate experience in a caravan in Abergele received mention by the judges. So did Karen’s complaints about the octopus and greasy chips she had in Benidorm and Bryan’s tiredness after climbing Snowdon.
The entire group took part in the Competition 119 “Choral Speaking” for learners. They appeared under the title “Basingstoke Welsh Fellowship”. They received a very warm welcome with many people wondering at such enthusiasm for the language from a town as English as Basingstoke. The group had not been able to rehearse for the previous fortnight but on the morning Gill Griffiths from the Eisteddfod Office arranged for us to take over one of the Societies Pavilions. Thank you Gill.
Many people came to support the group at the start of the competition. Relatives from Wales, friends and even the famous Welsh singer, Bryn Fon. The performance was great with everyone on top form but -----they did not win. The judges did not like the fact that the group had a leader which, they insisted, was against the tradition of choral speaking. However they did add “We enjoyed listening to your interpretation. A very special group. Keep at it.”
There was high praise for the efforts of the group and appreciation of the enthusiasm of the group from Basingstoke. Jo Knell, the Language Development officer of the Eisteddfod remarked, “ Thanks from the heart to everyone on the Basingstoke group for coming to the National Eisteddfod and supporting the activities in Maes D. Every joy for the future and keep in touch. I look forward to seeing you again next year!”

I hope so.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Yr Eisteddfod

Dydd Mercher Awst 4ydd -13:00
Maes D
Dysgu'r Gymraeg yn Lloegr
Bydd Jonathan Simcock o’r Cylch Dysgwyr Cymraeg Derby a finnau, Gareth Thomas, o’r Gymrodoriaeth Cymraeg Basingstoke yn gwneud cyflwyniad a thrafod y problemau, y cyfleoedd a’r dyfodol dysgu Cymraeg yn Lloegr. Y pwrpas bydd i drafod sut i wella’r ddarpariaeth er mwyn rhoi cyfle i’r hanner filiwn (neu fwy) o Gymry di-Gymraeg yn Lloegr gael dysgu eu hiaith eu hunain.

Wednesday, 4th August - 13:00
Maes D
Learning Welsh in England
Jonathan Simcock of the Derby Welsh Circle and myself, Gareth Thomas, of the Basingstoke Welsh Learners will be giving a presentation to discuss the problems, the opportunities and the future of learning Welsh in England. The purpose will be to discuss how to improve the provision so as to give the half million or more non-Welsh speaking Welsh people in England the opportunity to learn their own language.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Confused? Some empathatic thoughts for learners

Diolch i Anwen am anfon y gan hon ataf i a diolch i Les am ei ganiatâd i gyhoeddi ar y Blog.

Once I was sad and confused,
And why? Learning Welsh, in the main;
I was having trouble with treiglads;
Perhaps I ought to explain.

Words mutate; ones that began with an M
Will sometimes have an F at the front.
B can change to F or M;
Sometimes it does and sometimes it dun't.

Ps becomes MH or PH
Or Bs; don't know why, but they do;
Perhaps there's an R in the month
Or it's raining in Rhyl; I don't have a clue.

D turns to N, or two Ds;
Double L somehow shrinks into one;
C is CH, NGH or just G;
G can be NG; sometimes it's just gone.

T turns to TH or NH;
Sometimes a D will be used;
And RH some days is just R;
Futation's a fystery; I'm chompletely gonfused.

I went to a glass; I had phrivate duition; I dried and I thried but it nid me no ood.
I was phondering suicide; I galled the Samaritans And thold them the broblem; they said that I should..

Mut now we are able to phractise
While having a bint and a song ddown the phub And all our futations are froadly chorrect Since Eirian and Bauline established the glub.

We have Indian feals; we have thapas;
Sometimes we're daught how to ddance
Or we o for a walk in the gountry
And phractise futating while we've ot the chance.

We have goach drips and goncerts in Nghardiff Sometimes we o to a phlay And feet the phroducer mefore the phroduction...
And my broblems have all one away.

Les Sackroyd